
A product of:

Dufa-Clean is a powerful alkaline foam cleaner with excellent adhesive foaming properties. The foam film contains a highly concentrated blend of caustic alkali, surfactants and wetting agents and has proven to be highly effective in penetrating heavy pollution and grease. For cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces. For use in agricultural and food industry. Excellent adhesive foaming properties.

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Other Dutch Farm International brands


DufaSept is our brandname for a range of premium-quality detergents and disinfectants.

Visit DufaSept website

Under the brandname of DufaMix we are serving the animal feed industry with a range of premixes, additives, mycotoxin binders, acidi ers, milk replacers and growth enhancers

Visit DufaMix website

DufaFeed is Dutch Farm Internationals brand name for a range of premium quality feeds and Deli-Lick buckets.

Visit DufaFeed website